
He is available to present workshops and seminars for different churches, schools and organizations.

Building a Healthy Self-Esteem

Building a Healthy Self-Esteem

Who do you think you are?” is a one day seminar or a one evening workshop that examines self-esteem.

Breaking out of Depression

Breaking out of Depression

Depression is so common that it has been called the “common cold” of Psychology. It affects many people

Do You Hear Me

Do You Hear Me

Marriage today is in trouble. Almost half of all marriages are failing. Many marriages that are staying together

Fulfilling Intimacy

Fulfilling Intimacy

Sexual dysfunction is the most tolerated and the most unnecessary dynamic in many relationships today.

From Grief to Gratitude

From Grief to Gratitude

One of the inevitabilities of life is that we experience at one time or another, significant grief. Grief can be caused

From Trauma to Triumph

From Trauma to Triumph

Although the effects of trauma can be very similar trauma comes to us in a number of different guises. It can come

Parenting for Success

Parenting for Success

One of the significant challenges today is how to be an effective parent. This is a significant challenge because fewer

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

This seminar helps organizations and teams to identify the main purpose of their existence and enables them to develop

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

This seminar enables leaders to assess the effectiveness of their leadership style and gives tools by which their style can



Besides running seminars and workshops Bill is also available to preach and teach from the Word.