Preparing to Leave and Cleave
Preparing to Leave and Cleave is a ten session Marriage Preparation program that is Prepare/Enrich compatible. Using exercises and graphs it enables the Counselor/Pastor to identify and enhance the areas that the couple needs to work on to mature their relationship. It covers areas such as Love expectations, Marriage commitment, Personality issues, Communication and Conflict Resolution, Values and Beliefs expectations, Roles expectation and Financial management, the Sexual relationship, Family Friends and Leisure expectations, and Child training and discipline.
For those who desire a more Christian based approach each of the above areas are based on and related to Biblical teaching.
For those who desire a more Christian based approach each of the above areas are based on and related to Biblical teaching.
A practical, introductory booklet with exercises for those preparing for marriage. The booklet builds around the theme of Genesis 2:24 of ‘leaving, cleaving and one flesh’. Ideal for pastors and marriage counsellors, or couples to work through personally in preparing for marriage.

“Building a Healthy Self-Esteem” (CD)
“Who do you think you are?” is a one day seminar or a one evening workshop that examines self-esteem. It is designed to help people build a sense of positive self-esteem so that they can experience freedom from the past, grow in confidence, positively impact their world, and enrich their relationships with the significant people in their life. It will encourage you to move from thinking “I don’t deserve this”, to “I deserve more than this”. Come and learn to be all that God has made you to be.
Seminar Outline –
- Self-esteem nature and source
- Low Self-Esteem traps
- Coming out of low self-esteem
- Rebuilding Identity “in Christ”
“Breaking out of Depression” (CD)
Depression is so common that it has been called the “common cold” of Psychology. It affects many people directly and it effects their loved ones and their lifestyle. This one day seminar will examine the nature of depression and its different causes. It will explore the range of treatments available. This seminar is designed to give understanding and hope to the depressed. It is designed to give understanding and guidance to those who live with and who take care of the depressed. It is designed to give hope and direction when everything seems so dark and hopeless.
Seminar Outline –
- Depression Defined
- Depression Causes
- Depression Assessed
- Depression Treatments
“Marriage Communication Builder” (CD)
Marriage today is in trouble. Almost half of all marriages are failing. Many marriages that are staying together are not the mutually satisfying, nor are they the meaningful relationships that they could be. However, in spite of all the challenges that couples face many still love each other but seem to be unable to live together. Often what is lacking are the skills for deep and meaningful communication that leads to satisfying intimacy and companionship. This seminar shows in practical ways how to develop these skills so that meaningful marriage relationships are built.
Seminar Outline –
- Marriage & love Defined
- Marriage & Personality Types
- Marriage Co-Dependency –
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
“Fulfilling Intimacy” (CD)
Sexual dysfunction is the most tolerated and the most unnecessary dynamic in many relationships today. Although it has many causes and contributing factors, sexual healing is often straight forward, significant and relationship enhancing. This seminar is designed to remove ignorance regarding the sexual function, enhance intimacy in the relationship and to give a couple greater intimacy confidence for the future.
Seminar Outline –
- A Healthy Sexual Relationship
- Sexual and Intimacy Dysfunctions
- Sexual Intimacy Healing Physical
- Sexual Intimacy Healing Emotional
“Growing through Grief” (CD)
One of the inevitabilities of life is that we experience at one time or another, significant grief. Grief can be caused by the death of a loved one, loss of a career, the loss of our health or a broken relationship. It can be paralyzing in its effect and it can limit our abilities to function as we get stuck in our sense of loss. This seminar shows us how to process our grief and how to break through the barriers to a new life of hope.
Seminar Outline –
- Understanding grief
- Processing our Grief
- Moving towards acceptance
- Growing into new hope
“Recovering from Trauma” (CD)
Although the effects of trauma can be very similar trauma comes to us in a number of different guises. It can come from childhood abuse experiences, a life threatening experience or from a gradual humiliating input into our being. This Seminar identifies trauma and how to move through to a confident recovery from self-blaming to a healthy self-esteem.
Seminar Outline –
- Understanding Trauma and identity
- Processing the Self-Blame dynamic
- Processing the Extreme thinking
- Incorporating trauma & a new identity.
“Effective Parenting” (CD)
One of the significant challenges today is how to be an effective parent. This is a significant challenge because fewer parents have positive and significant models by which they can train up their children. The principles and strategies from this seminar will empower parents to be more effective in their parenting. It will reduce their stress, increase their joy as they interact with their children.
Seminar Outline –
- Understanding the child,
- Effective training principles,
- Effective training strategies,
- Understanding teens
“Strategic Planning” (CD)
This seminar helps organizations and teams to identify the main purpose of their existence and enables them to develop unified strategies by which goals can be achieved.
Seminar Outline –
- Defining Your Vision
- Setting Up Goals
- Developing Strategies
- Key performance Indicators
“Leadership Development” (CD)
This seminar enables leaders to assess the effectiveness of their leadership style and gives tools by which their style can be improved to become more effective.
Seminar Outline –
- Defining a Leader
- Identifying your leadership style
- Strategies to strengthen your style
- Key performance Indicators
WORKSHOPS – TWO Hour Presentations
“Building a Healthy Self-Esteem” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding Self Esteem,
- Self-Esteem traps,
- Rebuilding esteem identity
“Effective Parenting” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding the child,
- Effective training principles,
- Effective training strategies,
- Understanding teens
“Men and their Emotions” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding emotions,
- What hinders expression,
- Getting in touch,
- Confident Sharing
“Navigating Conflict in Marriage” (DVD & CD)
Outline –
- Understanding conflict,
- Navigating conflict,
- Good conflict resolution
“Growing through Grief” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding grief and loss,
- Processing grief,
- Building a new life
“Self Care for the busy person” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding busyness,
- What drives busyness,
- How to apply self care
“Self Injury and its treatment” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding Self Injury,
- Discovering and processing the real pain,
- Building new resilience
“Sexual intimacy Healing” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding sexuality,
- Understanding intimacy,
- Bringing healing
“Trauma Recovery” (CD)
Outline –
- Understanding Trauma,
- Unpacking trauma symptoms,
- Restructuring a confident identity
“Strategic Planning” (CD)
Outline –
- Defining Your Vision
- Setting Up Goals
- Developing Strategies
- Key performance Indicators
“Leadership Development” (CD)
Outline –
- Defining a Leader
- Identifying your leadership style
- Strategies to strengthen your style
Outline –
- “Jesus the Restores Reject Leper” Mk 1:40-45 22/10/06 RCF CD
- “Jesus Holistic Healer” Lk 5:17-26 30/7/06 RCF CD
- “Jesus Encourages” John 9 28/8/05 RCF CD
- Same Sex Attraction” 20/4/08 CFC DVD